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Why Amarillo?

Downtown's revitalization is led by Center City of Amarillo, Inc., which began in 1991. Center City is a nonprofit organization recognized as a Texas and National Main Street City as well as a Cultural District by the Texas Commission on the Arts.

This page is managed jointly between the City of Amarillo and Center City Main Street. Building history, incentives and development requirements can be found here. The Amarillo real estate community prefers to be contacted directly for real estate availability.

Downtown Amarillo has undergone a major revitalization effort that started in the early 2000's.  In 2006, the Center City Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #1 (TIRZ) was created as a financial tool to encourage redevelopment.  The Downtown Strategic Action Plan was first adopted in 2008 and updated in 2019. Revised goals include developing new housing, hotels, office/commercial, retail, and entertainment venues.

Shortly after the strategic action plan was adopted, new Downtown Amarillo Urban Design Standards were created that apply to the exterior of buildings being redeveloped and streetscape such as trees and lighting.

Cumulatively since 2007, Center City re-investments totaled $218,488,981 in private investment, $93,782,537 in public investment and $193,009,571 in public/private investment for a total of $505,581,089.  Major catalyst projects include the City's public-private partnership Embassy Suites Hotel & Conference Center which opened in September 2017 along with a new parking garage and 25,000 square feet of available retail space, and the MPEV (Multi-Purpose Event Venue) which was completed in 2019 and is home to the  Double AA minor league baseball team, the Sod Poodles, who brought home the league title in their inaugural season!

Historic tax credits have supported the restoration of the Levine's building and the historic Firestone apartments as well as the Barfield, opening in April 2021 as a luxury Marriot Bonvoy hotel. Other notable private sector projects recently completed include the Historic Marriott Fisk hotel, Xcel Energy headquarters, Toot'n Totum's first location downtown, Double R Lofts, Lofts on 10th, and Woolworth's.       
Incentive Information

  • Tax Increment Financing Assistance for private development projects meeting the goals of the TIRZ #1 Project and Financing Plan. Incentives are approved through developer agreements by the TIRZ #1 Board and if over $50,000 by the City Council. Recent examples include tax rebates for 15 years and cash grants.
  • Tax Increment Financing Assistance is also provided as streetscape grants for those projects meeting the Downtown Urban Design Standards. Matching grants are available up to $50,000.
  • Façade grants available by application to Center City Main Street. Façade grants may include signage, windows, streetscapes or exterior design elements. Grants require a 50% match and property owners may request up to $20,000.
  • Commercial development in the CBD does not require the provision of new parking.


To discuss a building or project:

Center City Amarillo - (806) 372-6744
City of Amarillo Planning and Economic Development - (806) 378-6290

Real Estate Inquiries:
For real estate inquiries, please contact agents directly. For all other downtown inquiries, please contact Center City Main Street.


Population 200,393
Median Household Income 52,725

Investment Incentives

  • Façade Grant
  • Sign Grant
  • Sales Tax Return
  • Other Grant
  • Property Tax Abatement
  • Paint Grant